We help families in Pennsylvania and Nationwide with our Mental Health and Addiction Intervention Services before their loved one hits bottom or asks for help
Families in Pennsylvania can take the first step with our Mental Health and Addiction Intervention Services when they are at the bottom or ready to help themselves through our S.A.F.E.® (Self Awareness Family Education™) Intervention & Family Recovery Coaching Program
Families of loved ones in Pennsylvania have seen drug addiction take over major cities, suburbs, and some rural areas. With drug addiction and alcoholism cases increasing in Pennsylvania and across the country, so are cases of mental health disorders. While those affected need help with addiction and mental health, so do the families suffering from the turmoil of watching a loved one worsen over time. Families, too, become worse over time while waiting for a solution. Often, families wait for their loved ones to ask for help or suffer the consequences of their choices by hitting bottom. Who suffers more during this waiting period, the loved one with substance use or mental disorder, or the family? The answer is both. Therefore the solutions and treatments require the family and loved ones to be involved.
Our team of Pennsylvania addiction and mental health interventionists, staff of intervention coordinators, and family recovery coaches understand what your family has gone through alongside the loved one. We know you have been told countless times by others that there is nothing you can do unless the person wants help, asks for help, or hits bottom. We know this is not entirely true. Over time families are led down the path that benefits the loved one with substance use or mental disorders. As enabling and codependency increase to protect the loved one, so do unhealthy family roles with maladaptive coping skills. If we only help your loved one, we wouldn’t be helping you, and that wouldn’t help either side before, during, or after treatment. It is time to stop waiting for them and take action for your family. Most family members reading this are at the bottom of their loved one’s mental health and addiction problems and want help. Now is the time to ask for it.
Meet Our Experienced Intervention Counselors

Mike Loverde, MHS, CIP
Clinical Director & Founder, Family First Intervention

Lisa Loverde, CADC
CFO & Compliance Officer

Adam Faulkner

Jeff Lukas

Regina Greene, MS, NLP, Psy.D. (Doctoral Candidate)
Director of S.A.F.E.® Family Recovery

Lydia Negron, MT-BC
S.A.F.E.® Family Recovery & Post Intervention Support

Meghan Gaydos, MA
S.A.F.E.® Family Recovery & Post Intervention Support

Megan Torrez
Intervention Coordinator

Natali Chuvala
Intervention Coordinator

Makayla Zubal
Administrative Assistant
An intervention is not about how to control your loved one with a substance use or mental health disorder; it is about learning how to let go of believing you can.
How our S.A.F.E.® Intervention Services for Addiction and Mental Health Work
Families struggle most after the face-to-face intervention. Once our professional interventionist has completed the in-person intervention in Pennsylvania or anywhere else your family and loved one resides in the country, you move into our S.A.F.E.® Intervention and Family Recovery Coaching. In this program, you will learn to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. In addition to the Self Awareness & Family Education you receive, you will have access to many additional groups and resources and individual support when needed. When your loved one is in treatment, we will work with you on effectively communicating with them and meet with their clinical team once a week to hear about their progress or lack thereof. Depending on your loved ones’ progress, we may bring them into the Family Recovery Coaching sessions.
The S.A.F.E.® Intervention and Family Recovery Coaching program prepares you for the long haul of your loved one’s addiction and mental health concerns. Our program works best when you attend your weekly sessions and attend the other groups offered throughout the week. In addition to our groups, we encourage individual therapists and attendance in support groups such as Al-Anon, Families Anonymous, CoDA, and ACOA. If you are married, we also encourage you to seek help from a Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) with a background in addiction in addition to our curriculum. The more you learn about yourselves and your loved ones’ problems, the better you can navigate effective solutions when problems and concerns arise. What is expected of the family is not more than what you expect of your loved one while in treatment or afterward. Coincidentally, they will see the results of their treatment based on their engagement, involvement, and sincerity of their willingness to change. The point of all this is to help both sides heal simultaneously to increase the opportunity of a successful outcome for both family and loved ones with addiction and mental disorder problems.
Addiction and Mental Health Interventionist Resources in Pennsylvania
Interventionists for an alcoholic or drug addiction are almost always a one or two-person operation. Much of their work comes from referrals from therapists, treatment centers, or a local presence in the community. Many of these interventionists do a fantastic job, and unfortunately, they can only focus on inspirational or motivational speeches to encourage your loved one to accept help. Many do this well; if that is all you want, you should go that route. Keep in mind that approach will almost always lead you back to where you started because you will only have addressed some of the reasons how and why you were at this point. For those interventionists in Pennsylvania or anywhere else in the country who claim to offer aftercare services, most need more clinical knowledge or staff to deliver the necessary support. Telling someone not to enable is easier said than done. The family has to understand their role in the family and why they have operated the way they have. If you went to a therapist and they only told you to do this and not that, how much would that help? If your loved one’s therapist at the treatment center only said don’t use drugs and don’t drink alcohol and did not help them understand why, would they improve?
At Family First Intervention, we help families and their loved ones in Pennsylvania and anywhere else in the United States understand the why. We have built a curriculum that allows all affected parties to learn and grow from the turmoil of addiction or mental health. Addiction and Mental Health take a toll on more than one person; it hurts everyone close to the problem and reaches even further beyond that. When considering an interventionist, please remember that believing your loved one is the only one that has to get well has caused many families to watch their loved one cycle in and out of treatment centers or make several attempts to address their problem. Regardless of whether or not your loved one wants help, your family deserves support and has the opportunity to take the first step. Living under the belief that you must wait for them to take the first step is not helpful. It is time to take your life back and, in turn, attempt to give your loved one their life back too.
“The most formidable challenge we professionals face is families not accepting our suggested solutions. Rather, they only hear us challenging theirs. Interventions are as much about families letting go of old ideas as they are about being open to new ones. Before a family can do something about the problem, they must stop allowing the problem to persist. These same thoughts and principles apply to your loved one in need of help.”
Mike Loverde, MHS, CIP