Intervention Services for Families & Their Loved Ones Experiencing Mental Health Disorders, Alcohol, and Drug Addiction
At Family First Intervention, we recognize that
The Family’s Recovery is as Important as the Recovery from Addiction & Mental Health
The longer a family and substance user tries to solve the problem on their own, the more complicated the situation becomes. Allowing mental health and addiction intervention professionals to help you reset expectations and take a different approach can help both the substance user and the family achieve healthy change.
Mental Health Disorders, Alcohol, and Drug Addiction Intervention Services
How Our Family Intervention Services Work
We listen and collaborate with other addiction & mental disorder professionals
Family First Intervention has several professionals on staff, each with impressive certifications, licensures, and educational backgrounds. We not only discuss cases among the team, we also defer to the science and knowledge of other professionals. We understand addiction and know it to be a problem that affects far more people than the substance user alone. Many families and substance users behave in a textbook fashion. The substance user is the conductor of chaos and the family reacts by forming unhealthy, counterproductive family roles. This is not to suggest that all families and substance users are the same; there are, however, many similarities in every intervention we conduct.
If substances were the only problem, the family would quickly heal after the intervention and the substance user would require no more than a detox to recover. Understanding how a family is pulled apart allows us to help your family be put back together. An intervention that focuses solely on your loved one going to a treatment center would not constitute an intervention.
Our services are structured in a way for families to achieve closure. This includes the preparation and the intervention followed by family recovery coaching. The face-to-face interaction with the intended patient is but one part of the services offered. There are significantly more parts to an intervention than a formal sit down with the substance user.
“The most formidable challenge we professionals face is families not accepting our suggested solutions. Rather, they only hear us challenging theirs. Interventions are as much about families letting go of old ideas as they are about being open to new ones. Before a family can do something about the problem, they must stop allowing the problem to persist. These same thoughts and principles apply to your loved one in need of help.”
Mike Loverde, MHS, CIP
Watch More About Our Services
Mental Health Disorder/ Dual Diagnosis Intervention Services
How do You Overcome a Drug Addiction or Alcohol Crisis in the Family?
An intervention is not about how to control your loved one with a substance use or mental health disorder; it is about learning how to let go of believing you can.
All Those Connected to the Addiction and the Mental Health Disorder can Benefit from our Family Intervention Services
Consulting Family and Close Friends on Addiction and Mental Health
Your family and friends have good intentions. Hopefully, all of them would like the substance user to recover and the family to stop suffering. Unfortunately, those closest to the situation are often overwhelmed, and the approaches they suggest as solutions may be based on biased insights. Our services encourage all those affected to be part of the process. Many are unaware how much they are affected until after the intervention has occurred, at which point they are overwhelmed with emotion. The one seeking to take charge unwittingly plays the hero role with a solution that ultimately results in punishment for the substance user. The martyr who asks for help is also the voice that had obstructed the intervention, fearing personal consequences if the loved one is away at treatment or refuses help.
Our intervention services are geared to help families heal, not to be shamed or have guilt inflicted upon them for the way they have handled the situation.
We understand how and why you are where you are. We look forward to showing you a solution from a different perspective.
Our drug addiction intervention services, alcoholic intervention services, mental health disorder intervention services, and family recovery coaching are designed to address two problems:
1. The substance user’s problem with drugs, alcohol, mental health, or a dual diagnosis.
2. The family system that is operating in a counterproductive way, distancing family members as well as the substance user from an effective solution.